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Monday, January 23, 2006


So I was sick with a cold for almost a month and found it all very annoying. Without missing a beat, my body has recovered from the cold and had a little allergy spasm from the Santa Ana winds. How do I know I switched from cold to allergies? I actually slept last night. When I have a cold, I can't sleep.

Still and all I hate these winds. Southern California is a wonderful place a lot of the time. Sandals almost 365, bicycles almost 365, lovely cool nights, even in the hottest summer months. I am even fond of that weather-hyped period known as "June gloom."

I miss seasons, real seasons. I was lucky to have lived in part of the East that had distinct, but not terrible seasons. While Washington and Atlanta summers were, shall we say, a bit "wet," the springs and falls helped to compensate. And neither place had winters that hurt, the way Chicago winters hurt.

One of my eyes has a sty and when the wind kicks up, it produces, um, stuff. I think the sty prevents good eye flushing. My sty is one of those things that makes me grimace when I look at myself in the mirror. That and what my honey calls my "baja bump" which is a red spot on my forehead (same side as the sty! Yea!) that I get from sleeping face down on my pillow. Freaky McFreak is me.

I heard a piece on the radio this morning about the leper colony on Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands. There are worse things, I suppose than being sent (as people were) to a paradise island to die and then not dying.

Why I cam to Los Angeles is more complicated than why they sent people to Molokai. What I like about it is that I can be relatively successful even with the sty/forehead freakiness. What I don't like is the damn winds.


bryduck said...

To each his/her own, of course. I happen to love changing weather, which makes SoCal notoriously unfun for me. I found the Willamette Valley (U. of O. in Eugene Ore., of course--hence the "duck" part of my screenname) just as unfun, for the exact same reasons, even though the climate is nearly the polar opposite from SoCal. All rain all the time v. all sun all the time. You can have 'em both!

Teresa said...

But when the wind kicks up we don't have to sweep our walk—all the leaves and crap just waft on down the street to some other poor loser's house. Wind is fantastic! As is your baja bump, not so much your sty.

Slangred said...

Ooh, I'm sorry the wind is not fun for you. --If you happened to see "Elf" you'll hear the right tone of voice and see the goofy smile when I say--WIND IS MY FAVORITE!!! I, being raised in SoCal, am used to the subtleties of its "seasons," and can enjoy the changes however slight as they come. I do think I'd enjoy mightily more obvious changes, but I'll probably never live anywhere where I can test that (sorry, Bryduck!).
Is a Baja Bump a cocktail? If not, I think we should invent one (and a dance, for that matter). A stye could be any cocktail, as long as you leave the little plastic stirrer in it and get poked every time you take a sip.