There's nothing I loathe more than having to click on this icon at any point in my day.

And there's nothing more likely than summer to make me click the little bastard.
Don't assume this is an anti-Microsoft rant. I am not anti-Microsoft. I don't root for them or anything (any more than I root for the Yankees), but they make some fine products. I cleaved to WordPerfect for a long time and then abandoned ship like everyone else. (Bring back WP 5.2, I say!) But I don't mind Word. I am capable of producing PowerPoint slide shows that aren't excruciating (and isn't that the goal, after all?), and I even use Entourage as my e-mail client at work. I say all of this despite a deep loathing for Windows. Deep. The Office suite, though, is fine. Except for that little green thing.
And, no, I'm not going to name it. To name it is to give it power. There it sits waiting for me to click it. It knows where I live. It knows where I work. It haunts my dreams.
Really, it's ruining my summer. Go ahead, name it defend it, you won't change my mind. Evil, thy name is........