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Monday, November 12, 2007

Born to (and a Shakespeare game)

Honey and I were watching "Everest: Beyond the Limit" the other night. The narrator noted that the Nepalese were born to climb the great mountains of their country. Their hearts are bigger. Their lungs are bigger. It reminded me (and I said out loud) of the piece that I read in the L.A. Times last week about Disneyland redesigning the "It's a Small World" ride. It seems that the boats keep bottoming out. Disneyland, not wanting to alienate its visitors, has refused to blame the expanding American (and non-American) waistlines on the problem. Instead they argue that years of fiberglass build-up on the boats and water channel have made the ride less functional. The problem, apparently, is so acute, that they've built a platform near the Canadian Mounties to help people out of the boats so the ride doesn't get held up too long. Listening to that song a few MORE times than the ride normally requires may be too much for people.

At any rate, I remarked, upon hearing the narration about the Nepalese, that Americans are born to bottom-out Small World boats. My Honey laughed. I like making my Honey laugh.

I liked this Shakespeare thing. It has nothing to do with what we're born to do. Still. Macbeth would have been way different with sporks.

William Shakespeare

Is this a spork which I see before me,
Its handle toward my hand?

Which work of Shakespeare was the original quote from?

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Deborah said...

".....expanding American (and non-American) waistlines on the problem." That and my own heights & water issues have kept me away from these alleged amusement purveyors.

Suzanne said...

Holy cow. I'd never thought about the effect of America's expanding waistlines on such things as the "It's a Small World" ride. They actually make folks get out halfway to lighten the load? Yikes.

Val said...

Can you imagine just how embarrassing it would be to be whistled at and told that they have to get out of the boat, so it could move? Yikes?

Next thing they'll be weighing people before they can get on the boat!!!

sporks said...

Actually, Val, the article noted that they've been in the process, for several years, of making the ride seats wider. Disneyland is there for us all!

wenwhit said...

I laughed, too :)

Teresa said...

It could be worse. Disneyland employees could leave it to the boat's occupants to decide who stays and who's jetsam. Or whom they should eat.

sporksforall » Tiki room (and related) thoughts said...

[...] *We didn’t bottom out our Small World boat! I’m also pleased to report that Small World is less annoying at the holidays, because they intersperse Christmas songs with the eponymous song. I’m not a fan of either, but less of both overall makes it more bearable. [...]