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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Don't buy a corner house

We thought a corner house was good. We were wrong. Our fence gets tagged, our "strip" between the sidewalk and the street is a dumping ground for sofas. Our big Oleander bush holds many treasures not our own. Today's haul==an old director's chair, a lamp shade, and a really old radio. Plus some random piece of electrical equipment.

Our neighbor came over to tell me that he saw the kids who tagged the fence (second time this week). I thanked him and sat down to fill out the second request for graffiti removal I've done in 96 hours. When I called about the sofa that someone dumped, the lady said, "you called in January."

"This is a new one."

We both sighed.


Teresa said...

And to think of all the trouble we had disposing of our old sofa when we could have just put it in front of our house. Silly girls!

Unknown said...

Why not make installation art out of it? Take your regular ol' garbage and tie up the bags to look like a human form and sit 'em down on the sofa.

sporksforall said...

nice idea sandra, but this one is upside down. and since i discovered more crawly things than i wanted picking up the radio and the bag of clothes someone had also left, I'm not flipping the sofa over. nope.

bryduck said...

Ok, then, what about having the garbage-people lying about on the underside (now top) of the sofa as if they were using the couch as a floatation device? Or creating your very own biome using the crawly things as the bottom of a food chain. You could get some non-native bird or lizard to eat them, then some sort of cat to eat them, and so on. Think of the fun!