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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Cereal joy and more

I'm a posting MACHINE!

Can you tell it's spring break and I have less everyday pressure? I'm working on real stuff, too. I've graded 10 midterms a day all three days this week, wrote two probationary performance evaluations, reviewed an article for a journal, created some new curriculum, cleaned out my e-mail, and it's not even noon on Wednesday.

Anyway...I have been in cereal crisis. Honey and I like cereal for breakfast and for the past few months, we have given over to the magic that is Kashi. Honey likes Go Lean Crunch. I like it too. But I found personal cereal nirvana in Strawberry Fields. What's not to like? Organic? Check. Available at Trader Joe's? Why yes. Tasty? Mmm Hmm. Soggy danger? Low.

That's all well and good, until it disappeared from Trader Joe's. No shelf space disappeared. One week there were a few boxes. The next, no space. I searched for it. Honey, sweet person that she is, went to another Trader Joe's looking for it. No luck. What was I to do?

I made do with Cinnamon Harvest, which is tasty. Then I went to Trader Joe's Vanilla Wheat Squares. Bereft probably best describes my cereal feeling as I spooned the vanilla pockets into my mouth on Monday.

Then I remembered that there's a wondrous new invention called the internets. You can type something into a box and it will spit back information. So off to the internets I went and found Kashi's own site. I was hoping they'd have a way to match my cereal desires with a store in my area. Kashi did me one better. For a small fee (a pittance really), they sent me a CASE of Strawberry Fields in a big brown truck. Incredible!

This morning, I opened the box and there were twelve friendly box tops staring back at me. Waiting to be my cereal.

A nice Wednesday today, a fields of berry of straw morning and a labor settlement with guaranteed raises for me and my kind. *Contented Sigh*


Middle Girl said...

You can buy from
I must go now...thank goodness for breaks, time and passing on good news.

Suzanne said...

You have a large enough pantry to house a CASE of cereal? hrumph.

WenWhit said...

God bless Al Gore's internets.

Teresa said...

Pantry? Silly girl, the case of cereal is on the floor, next to the breakfast table!

weese said...

i love the internets.

um... we may need to discuss this pantry issue.

Suzanne said...

I agree about the pantry, weese. Plus what's gonna happen when Biscuit and Scout discover the goodness inside those boxes? I shudder to think.

sporksforall said...

Scout and Biscuit are far too stupid to investigate the cereal boxes.

I'm sort of dumb this way, but I have no idea where to put a pantry. So next to the breakfast table seems good. The breakfast table, by the by, is only used of bag storage and cat perching. No one breakfasts on it.