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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Endorse this

I got an e-mail from John Kerry this morning. I've subscribed to his e-mails since his ill-fated run for president in 2004. He endorsed Barack Obama via this morning's e-mail.

I immediately unsubscribed from his listserv.

Honey and I discussed what Democrat we'd less like be influenced by than John Kerry right now. Paul Tsongas, maybe. And he's dead. The fact that Kerry could not defeat worst-president-ever as he was descending into a weaker and weaker position makes me put little stock in what he says. Plus which, he's the second person this week who told me why I should support Obama. Jep. Thanks for your thoughts. I'll make up my own mind, thanks.

As soon as I unsubscribed, I donated $50 to Hillary Clinton. I won't tell you why you should vote for her. Make up your own mind. Here's my endorsement. Seems about as influential as John Kerry's.


Teresa said...

Your endorsement is way more influential than John Kerry's, at least in my world. I hope your $50 goes to excellent use, like maybe buying a round of Red Bull for her South Carolina volunteers.

WenWhit said...

FWIW, I'm with you. :)

weese said...

I am endorsing Richardson. I realize he is no longer in the race... but thats ok - neither am i really.

Sarah said...

Hey Chica! I found your blog through Sassy's. Bookmarked it. Would love to read more. Please check me out sometime. Always looking to meet new, great people. Happy Friday!!

the misanthrope said...

I like Obama because I want a change from Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. If after Hillary should we expect Jeb Bush, then Chelesea, then the Bush twins?

However, if Hillary is the nominee, I'm behind her 100%.

SassyFemme said...

High-fiving you for supporting Hillary!