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Sunday, May 04, 2008

The consequences of rancid oil

Last night I made us dinner while Honey vacuumed.  There is a freedom in the detached ranch that we never had in the apartment.  Vacuum anytime, night or day.  It's not a freedom I treasure or think about much, but it is a freedom.

I made us chicken curry and rice.  For some reason, the smell of the curry didn't appeal to me.  Honey tasted it and pronounced it fine, but I decided to doctor up mine with some soy souce and chili oil.

I was munching on my warmed up flatbread, which was tasty, and began to eat the rice and pieces of the chicken.  The chicken still tasted off to me and then it dawned on me that the chili oil was rancid.

Rancid is a very unappealing word.  Also an unappealing oil condition.

I stopped eating and for the rest of the evening felt a little (as my grandmother would have said), "puny."

I went to bed early.  When I woke up this morning, I felt compelled to brush my teeth again immediately.

I sleep with ear plugs in to keep dog noises out of my head when I sleep.  I don't like ear plugs, but there they were, all blue and squishy and shoved in my ear.  I started to brush my teeth.

Brushing my teeth with an electric toothbrush and ear plugs rates as one of the oddest sensations I have ever experienced.  So odd I had to come blog about it.  It made my head feel as if it were vibrating independently of my body and might just float away.

The magical head vibration was a totally unexpected consequence of eating rancid oil.  Who knew?  Not that I'm going to repeat the chain of events, but I may just brush my teeth with ear plugs in on occasion when I need to slightly realign how my head and body fit together.


Teresa said...

I intend to vacuum at 3 a.m. tomorrow morning to test the limits of my freedom. Secure your earplugs.

chapin said...

LOL @ Teresa

I have to be careful when I turn on the garbage disposal. I don't want my neighbor man to have a fit. The rule is no turning it on after 9 PM and never ever before 9 AM.

I made curry chicken last weekend but I didn't have the chili oil so it was a bit bland. I almost cried when I went to the cabinet and found no oil in stock.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

weese said...

i may have to aquire an electric toothbrush just to try this out.

I also need complete freedom to vacuum at will. I consider it one of my civil liberties (since I can't marry... at least I can vacuum)

SassyFemme said...

LMAO @ Weese's last line.

I've never worn ear plugs and I don't have an electric toothbrush, so the combined experience might just be too much for me to handle.