Here's how it goes. First, you find Biscuit:

Then you grab her ear:

Then she falls over and bites you:

Then you try to get your hand our her mouth. Don't trust black tongued dogs!

Then she calms down for a second:

Thinking you have your moment, you try to clean her ears. She has fooled you and writhes with such ferocity that you can't hold on to her./ Your arms are scratched, the camera is on the ground. All the while, the cats watched from a safe place...

So, you think I have to try again. So you find Biscuit...

I'm with the cats. It's lots of fun watching from a safe place!
Omigod, you're outing our pets! So much for anonymity. Valerie Plame, anyone?
The same caveats apply to almost anything one does with Biscuit: the biting, the danger of the black tongue.
This was hysterical! Well done!
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