Bike of the week:

Not bike of the week:

I want to ride it down to the other end of campus despite the hard rain. I just don't want to arrive at the other end of campus looking like a wet rat. Choices. I could walk, I have an umbrella. I don't want to walk. I like getting my heart rate up and my lungs working. I don't mind getting wet. It's drying off that I don't like.
I'm back. I walked and got pretty wet. What would have been wet is my head and back. What was/is wet is my legs and arms. The meeting was annoying. Lots of eye rolling, none of it mine. Don't be shocked. I can keep my eyes still. Sometimes.
And then when I came back, was it raining? No. So I should have ridden down there.
Today seems to be the day of theoretical problems to which there are no solutions. The management team here in my office started agitating for everyone in the office to get reclassified. The furren language people bemoaned the lack of training in furren languages in the state.
Nobody on my fantasy team hit well yesterday. I'm not in last place because Jake "$3.60" Peavy pitched well for the Padres.

The Bruins lost the bball game to Florida. Florida. Somebody just saw the whole penisula off. Really. North America could stop at Valdosta.
As long as Bailey White knew the shearing of below Valdosta (BV) was coming, it would be ok.
Ok, ok. Florida has some things going for it. Right now I can't think of any.
I'm not sure eye-rolling should have any place in academia, but I'm aware that it does, mainly because you're always telling me about shockingly bad behavior among your colleagues. Maybe they figure they have tenure, so, ya know, whatever. *eyes rolling*
oh scout, academia is perhaps the place you should least expect good behavior.
Howzabout we just excise Florida from Orlando to the Georgia border and reconnect it at that point? That way, we still get to keep "CSI: Orange Filter" and "Miami Vice" (on DVD) coming. We can certainly raze the U. of Miami when we need to.
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