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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Not about jury duty

I'm currently on a jury duty assignment. And mindful of the judge's admonition that I not discuss the case (I'm not yet even on the jury) with anyone, lest there be an unauthorized "thirteenth juror," I am not going to write about jury duty. And given my VAST readership, we may be talking 14th or 15th.

Honey has written a book of the Bible at the suggestion of a certain blogger.

I am not up to writing a book of the Bible at this time.

I would like to suggest another commandment, however. It will be TOTALLY appropriate for displaying at an Alabama Supreme Court location nearby.

See, I heard a story today about how some churches are providing ATMs for their parishioners to donate to the church. They're called "giving kiosks." Really. Not to get money out and then give it. Just stick your ATM card in and the church gets whatever you say. Of course, the church pays a fee to the developer of the idea. Who is a pastor. But he'll give 10% of the profit back. Tithing you know.

Anyway... herewith the commandment, oh potential 14th and 15th juror:

Thou shalt not put ATMs in houses of worship.


Suzanne said...

I read the story about the Giving Kiosks and thought, "Ain't America grand!" I particularly admire the for-profit company the makers have formed so that they can reap big profits as they separate true believers from their hard-earned cash on their quests for eternal salvation.

From the article "... their next idea: donation machines that attach to the backs of pews."

Free enterprise rules!

Teresa said...

Yikes almighty!

weese said...

Actually, I am the 14th juror.
I was selected for a case today.
they are calling me: 'alternate number two'. i have decided its an endearment.

oh, and the whole church/atm thing. kinda makes me even more comfortable in my agnostitism.
(scout?... need some help on that word)

Sapphique said...

Giving kiosks?

Sheesh...what will churches think of next!

WenWhit said...

Lemme just say, "Amen, sister!"

bryduck said...

Because clearly churches in this country are becoming archaic institutions and lacking for donations, right? I get it.